Monday, 18 May 2015

Holly Grail Hand Cream

If you don't already know, I suffer from dry hands real bad and I'm constantly on the look out for a hand cream to help me. I always stick to drugstore hand creams because I go through them so fast that I can't justify spending a lot of money on hand creams that I'll use up pretty much straight away. 

I used to swear by Garnier Intensive Restoring Hand Cream as I found that it gets to work straight away and soothes the agitation I get from dry hands. It retails at £3.99 which I thought was really good.. Until I came across this new gem!

If you can't already tell from the infamous star logo; this hand cream is from SuperDrug. I intended on going in and picking up the Garnier one and leaving within 2 minutes (obviously paying too don't shoot me), but my eyes were drawn to Superdrug's own range of hand creams for three reasons, the colours of the times, the eye catching writing and most importantly the 99p price tag! 

There was a couple of creams in the range in different coloured tubes that all claimed to do combat something different but I decided to go for the blue packaging that claimed to Soften and Smooth hands, which is what I always need. It is also described as 'intensive' which is an adjective that I commonly look for in lotions, so I was instantly sold on it from the minute I saw 99p!

Whilst looking through the ingredients which are all good by the way! (she's butter obviously makes an appearence which is always good in a hand cream!) I came across the little jumping rabbit logo which can only mean one thing: cruelty free. So that was the final thing for me, I instantly found myself strolling over to the tills to buy this gem and take it home with me. 

I'm so glad that I did aswell as it is honesty one of the best hand creams I've used! It does exactly what it says on the tin (or tube whatever) and it doesn't just offer short term relief but it lasts all day long. I used to find myself thinking I need some hand cream and I need it now, especially with my job, but that panic is long gone! 

It's so good, I went out and bought two more to stock up with as I hate running out of hand cream!

I 110% recommend this, and for 99p there really is no harm in trying it out for yourself! 

Hannah xxx

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Let's Get Deep (Inside Our Pores)

After being sick and tired of my skin feeling sick and tired, I decided to venture into the unknown and buy my first ever charcoal face mask. I've heard so many good stuff about said face masks but I had never tried one myself and I really don't know why looking back! I didn't want one that would break the bank incase I didn't end up seeing the hype so I stayed safe with Boots' own.

I picked up their 'Tea Tree and Witch Hazel with active Charcoal' face mask that claims to be a 'intense deep cleanse' which is exactly what I needed. 

My skin constantly felt clogged and tight and nothing was seeming to help. I don't know whether the air con at work is the cause or whether my skin is just clogged to the brim, but either way I am sick of it.

So I immediately got home and applied this face mask. It advises an even layer of the mask but I added slightly more to my nose and cheek area as that is where I feel the tightness the most. It also advised a 15 minute time frame but again, being the rebel that I evidently am, left it on for about half an hour as I needed a really intense cleanse. And an intense cleanse is what I got. I would only say leave it on for half an hour if you were like me and felt it was necessary as the next time I used it I stuck to the 15 minutes and that was perfect. 

                 (Don't I look nice!)

So all you do is leave it on for your chosen time, go about your day and then wash it off!

What I really liked about this mask, besides how well it worked, was how soothing it is. You can 100% feel the Tea Tree as your skin feels tingly but good tingly because of how soothing and cool the mask feels.

Once I washed the mask off, I went ahead and moisturised but my skin already felt and looked amazing and it was all down to the mask. It left my skin feeling clean and looking bright. I also found that my makeup applied a lot nicer and didn't stick to dry patches or crack which is something I struggle with usually.

I tend to use this about twice a week but I've fallen in love with it. Yes I've fallen in love with a charcoal face mask. I know.

I would definitely recommend this to anyone with troubled and clogged skin!

Hannah xxx

Friday, 8 May 2015

Comfort over Fashion

As you all know, I've been shopping for my holiday that's on the horizon recently and I was in desperate need of some new sandals.. So off I went to the likes of Topshop and River Island and to my honest surprise I found nothing. I didn't really find any I liked that much to justify spending the £20+ on a pair of sandals that I would wear for a week. 

So anyway, whilst I was in Primark I was just browsing the shoe section and came across some Birkenstock style sandals. I've never really fully decided if I am Pro-Birkenstock or Anti-Birkenstock as I'm aware they are very Marmite. I do think they can look really nice if they're styled well. But anyway I wasn't going to try them on until I saw someone else trying them on and noticed how amazing they looked on her. And my god am I glad I tried them on as they are THE comfiest shoes I have ever worn.

It feels like you're putting your foot on a cloud, I'm kid you not. They had quite a few styles and colours available but I went for the black pair with gold hardware and with the little thing between the toes (no idea what you call it so thing between the toes will suffice) as I feel like it offers a bit more support, but their was a simple slide on style also. 

The one thing I did notice whilst trying on was that I had to size down not one, but two sizes so just bear that in mind. I'm usually a size 7 but ended up leaving with a size 5.

I liked them so much so that I then went back to Primark whilst shopping the next day to pick up the coral colour with silver hardware in the exact same style. I can see these two sandals being a huge staple in my summer wardrobe! 

And the best part? I believe they were only £5 each! Bargain! 

Comfort 1-1 Fashion!

Hannah xxx

Monday, 4 May 2015

High Street Shopping Rant

So with the bank holiday I obviously took my time off work to go shopping. And whilst going said shopping I noticed a few things that really annoy me about high street shopping.

I feel like many of you will be able to relate with a lot of the issues that I am going to spit out in the form of a rant any second now:

1. THE DIFFERENCES IN SIZE! I'm not even sorry for my virtual shouting, this infuriates me. I will use my example from today. I was on the hunt for a pair of denim shorts. Now I will admit that I already hate this task as I have chunky thighs and never feel comfortable in denim shorts. But anyway, I tried New Look first. Not much to say other than Camel Toe Galore. So that was a no. Next up was H&M. I always have issues with sizing in H&M. I can be a 12 in one shop, and a 14 in another. I can deal with that. I couldn't even fit a pair of size 14 shorts over my calves in H&M! Absolutely ridiculous. I ended up finding a pair that fit perfectly in the place that I had ruled out from the start on the basis that they would probably sell shorts that would make me look like a sixteen year old going to their first party: Primark. I was so surprised at a) how many different styles and cuts were on offer and b) how well they fit, and for just £13! 

2. The layouts. There is one thing that really bugs me whilst shopping, and I don't know whether it's the norm or a slight case of OCD but the layout or lack of layout in most shops gets to me. Gone are the days where they would have a section for dresses, a section for jeans and so on. Now you can find a top amongst the bloody homeware section. I understand that it's probably a marketing stunt but it just makes the experience so difficult. You can go into a shop for one thing and it can take half a flipping day trying to find it! Angers me.

3. Pricing. Now it might just be me that feels like the prices are rising to unjustifiable prices. I think we can all agree that Topshop is the main culprit. I always go in and see a really nice piece, pick it up to only put back down in horror after seeing the price. Followed by asking the person I am with to 'Guess how much that top is! Go on guess!' And I can guarantee you all will also think, 'I bet I can find that in Primark for half the price'.

4. Miserable staff. This one will probably wind all of you that work in retail right up and I don't mean to offend anyone but seriously, some retail staff are so miserable it actually confuses me. Like how can someone find it so hard to crack a smile?! Or say hello?! The one I find that they really struggle with is Thankyou, I mean that's just asking too much from most (let me just emphasise the most before you all bite my head off) retail staff! I also work in a customer based job and no matter how much of a bad day I've had I always manage to keep a conversation going, it's really not that hard; and as you've most likely gathered from this post, I can be a little moody bitch at times. If I can do it, everyone can!

5. Children. Again, a controversial one. Don't get me wrong, I love kids (in a non peadophilic way) as much as the next person. Well behaved and not annoying kids that is. I hate it when children who are clearly going to grow up to be a first class moron run around the shop screaming, getting in your way, tripping you up and make a mess of everything you want to look at it. All whilst their parents are no where to be seen! Where's SuperNanny when you need her.

Anyway I'm going to stop my ranting joe before my blood pressure goes through the roof. 

Let me know if you agree with any of my points. I really hope you do so I don't seem like a miserable cow!

Hannah xxx